
Connect all amenities in the building and enables interaction with all employees and visitors.


Organica building logo

ORGANICA is within walking distance of the historic city centre. A brand new modern city centre is being built around the building itself.

ORGANICA building is a unique project located in Ostrava, offering approximately 25 845 sqm of office, retail and other spaces.

The area is gradually expanding with new residential projects, cafes, restaurants, sports grounds and shops. The location thus becomes one of the fastest growing places in Ostrava and is attracting more and more attention.


The multifunctional spaces within the building create a vibrant office atmosphere seamlessly blended with retail, offering a wide range of services. Professional and personal needs are covered in one place.


Mobilní aplikace propojí digitální služby v budově:

Mobilní aplikace propojí digitální služby v budově:

Mobilní aplikace propojí digitální služby v budově:

Mobilní aplikace propojí digitální služby v budově:

Kanteen offers a modern setting with high-quality service and cuisine where everyone can find something to his liking. The name „Kanteen“ refers to the modern concept of a canteen, starting from the place where Kanteen is located.

Stora Enso develops and manufactures solutions based on wood and biomass for a range of industries and applications worldwide. The company is a leading provider of renewable products in packaging, biomaterials, and wooden constructions. 

Cokafe offers impeccable services and premium products. Its approach is simple: crafting products from high-quality ingredients. It roasts specialty coffee with hints of fruit, nuts, and chocolate, embracing local flavours.

A modern fitness centre with premium services and friendly atmosphere, offering top equipment and exercise machines that are fully digitized and can be connected to a mobile application.

Tietoevry is paving the way for the digital future of businesses. It stands as a prominent entity in the realm of digital services and software, boasting local accessibility coupled with global capabilities.

Space for life


The smart mobile application Organica makes every day in the office more enjoyable while also connecting all the services within the building. It enables interactive communication towards employees and visitors, improving their relationship with the working environment.

Space for life


ORGANICA is surrounded by shops, restaurants, sporting grounds, theatres and more. It has a great access to public transport and cycle paths and of course there is also plenty of parking spaces.

Space for life


Each part of the building is perfectly thought out both in terms of layout and the technologies used. ORGANICA thus offers an above-standard working environment.

Space for life


ORGANICA offers office spaces across 5 floors, ground floor for commercial purposes, and parking spaces for rent.

by contera

Autorem projektu je developerská společnost Contera. Ta se zabývá realizací apronájmem průmyslových parků pro přední české i zahraniční společnosti jak v České republice, tak na Slovensku.

Při rozvoji nových průmyslových zón se Contera zaměřuje zejména na revitalizaci brownfieldů – oblastí, které již neslouží původnímu účelu – a přetváří je na moderní parky, kde buduje stavby v nejvyšším standardu A-Class. Prostory připravuje na míru jednotlivým nájemcům na základě jejich specifických požadavků. Kromě industriálních parků se zaměřuje také na výstavbu kancelářských budov, retailu a rezidenčních projektů.

navštívit web Contery

Výstavba projektu je rozdělena na 3 hlavní fáze. Očekávané dokončení budovy ORGANICA je naplánováno na 3. kvartál 2023.


Harmonogram výstavby Organica building v Ostravě

k pronájmu


19 765 m2


pro život



Jen pár kroků od historického centra.

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